Tracee Ellis Ross Writes “Children’s Book” About Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment has become THE headline of 2017.   It’s like a bothersome itch you can’t reach and even if you could not even the most concentrated anti-itch cream could soothe the sting.

It has spread from Hollywood to Congress and literally everywhere in between.

Sexual harassment is the reason Time magazine named "The Silence Breakers" the Person of the Year for 2017 following the #MeToo movement.  Keep in mind this movement is one that didn't start this year but a decade ago.

The number of women and men coming forward telling their stories has prompted responses ranging from anger to sheer disgust.  Tracee Ellis Ross is responding in a bit of a different way, with a book.  Her “children’s book” reads like Dr. Seuss but there are no green eggs and ham in this one.  Instead she explains to all “The Handsy Man” what’s inappropriate.


“You may not compliment my butt

You may not call me “ho” or “slut”.

And even if you’re stoned or drunk,

do not expose me to your junk.

Isn’t it sad that after all the advancements that have been made in this world, people need to read something child-like to get the point?

The “Black-ish” star read some of her book when she filled in for Jimmy Kimmel.  She posted it to Instagram.

Check it out below!  It’s absolutely brilliant.

Here's a link to listen to an interview with an EEOC Director about sexual harassment and your rights.